Envirolawn offers Lawn Care, Landscaping, Tree Care and Snow Removal
Lawn Care
Envirolawn offers organic and traditional granular fertilizers.
Our traditional fertilizer program consists of controlled release synthetic granular fertilizer applied 4 times during the season. We spot spray weeds on an as needed basis, with our goal being to reduce the amount of chemicals applied. The very best weed control is a thick lawn, so we believe in regular aerating and over seeding to help thicken the lawn, which will help prevent future weeds.
Our organic program includes high quality organic fertilizer along with a liquid microbial soil enhancer/humic acid blend, to feed the microbes and improve the overall soil biology.
A soil test is highly recommended at the beginning of an organic lawn care program, which we would run through the U of M soil testing clinic.
Organic fertilizers
Liquid soil microbial soil enhances/humic acid applications
Compost topdressing
Core aeration
Over seeding
Dethatching/power raking

Landscape Garden Design and Installation
Landscape Maintenance
Tree and Shrub Planting
Shrub Trimming and Removal
Topdress Mulch Beds
Perennial Gardens
Weed Control in Landscape Garden Beds
Rock/Wood Mulches
Buckthorn Removal
Boulder Outcropping
Tree Care
Trunk Injection For Emerald Ash Borer
Trunk Injection For Iron Chlorosis and Other Insects and Diseases
Small Tree Trimming

Snow Removal
Residential Snow Plowing
Snow Blowing/Shoveling